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Sunni and the Tall Lady is the new children's book that shares the story of...well, Sunni and the Tall Lady. 

The beautifully photographed and exquisitely told story shares the "tail" of the Tall Lady's decision to move cross country to be closer to her grandchildren. Once there, she learns of Sunni, a visitor to her back yard bird feeder, who wants only two things in life; a little bit of food and a lot of love.

Sunni and the Tall Lady is the first in a series of children's "tails" by talented photographer/ author and loving Nana LynneMarie Sellers. 

Order your copies today and save room on your book shelf for future adventures of Sunni. 

Sunni and the Tall Lady
Order Your Copy NOW!!
The First in a Series of 
Adventurous and Heartwarming "Tails" 
about Sunni the Squirrel
 Like gifted, little artists, children delicately dance into our lives,  painting each moment brighter and more colorful.